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Physical Conditions in the Classroom (교실 환경 조성)

by youngpits 2019. 9. 5.

◉ Physical Conditions in the Classroom (교실 환경 조성)

It's too hot in here.
여긴 너무 덥군요.

Let's have the door open a bit.
문 좀 열어 놓읍시다.

Could you open the door a little bit?
문 좀 열어 놓겠니?

Can somebody turn the heater off?
누가 히터 좀 끄겠니?

That's much better.
훨씬 낫군요.

It's noisy in here.
여기 참 시끄럽구나.

Shut those windows please.
창문 좀 닫자.

It's too dark in here.
여기는 너무 어둡네요.

Would you turn the light on?
불 좀 켤래?

Please be quiet.
조용히 하세요.

자료출처: 그래머딕 www.GrammarDic.co.kr
대한민국 대표 영어자료 사이트
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