1.시간, 때 (when, While, After, As → ~할 때/~하는 동안)
Seeing me, he ran away. 나를 보자 그는 도망갔다.
=When he saw me, he ran away.
Walking along the street, I met a friend of mine. 거리를 따라 걸을 때 나는 나의 친구를
=While I was walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.
Walking in the street, I met an old friend of mine. 거리를 걷는 동안 나는 나의 오랜
친구를 만났다.
= While I was walking in the street, I met an old friend of mine.
2.원인, 이유 (As, Because, Since → ~때문에)
Having no money with me, I can't help you. 나에게 돈이 없기 때문에 나는 너를 도울 수 없다.
=As I have no money with me, I can't help you.
Feeling tired, I will stay at home. 피곤하기 때문에 나는 집에서 머무를 것이다.
= Since I feel tired, I will stay at home.
Being sick, he was absent from school. 아팠기 때문에 그는 학교에 결석했다.
= Because he was sick, he was absent from school.
3.조건 (If → ~한다면)
Turning to the right, you will find the house. 오른쪽으로 돈다면 너는 그 집을 발견할 것이다.
=If you turn to the right, you will find the house.
Taking this train, you will arrive in London at six. 기차를 탄다면 너는 6시에 런던에
도착할 것이다.
=If you take this train, you will arrive in London at six.
Turning to the right there, you will find the building. 거기서 오른쪽으로 돈다면, 너는
그 빌딩을 발견할 것이다.
=If you turn to the right there, you will find the building.
4.양보 (Though, Although, Even if → 비록 ~이지만, ~한다 하더라도)
Admitting what you say, I still don't believe it. 네가 말한 것을 인정한다 하더라도, 나는
아직까지 그것을 믿을 수 없다.
=Though I admit what you say, I still don't believe it.
Granting that it is true, we can't agree with you. 그것이 사실일지라도 우리는 너에게 동의할
수 없다.
=Even if we grant that it is true, we can't agree with you.
Living next to his house, I don't know him. 그의 옆집에 산다 할지라도 나는 그를 모른다.
=Though I live next to his house, I don't know him.
5.계속 (~and)
The train leaves at six, arriving at Jinju at noon. 그 기차는 여섯 시에 떠나서 정오에
진주에 도착한다..
=The train leaves at six, and it arrives at Jinju at noon.
6.부대상황(동시동작 : While, As → ~하면서)
He extended his hand, smiling brightly. 그는 밝게 웃으면서 그의 손을 폈다.
=He extended his hand, as he smiled brightly.
Saying “good-by”, he went out of the house. 그는 작별 인사를 하면서 집밖으로 나갔다
= He went out of the house as he said “good-by”.
7.부대상황(연속동작 : and → 그리고 ~하다)
We started in the morning. arriving in Seoul at seven,
=We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at seven.
He picked up a stone, throwing it at a dog.
=He picked up a stone, and threw it at a dog.
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